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My Bird Performs: June 2007

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


finally i found it, after a real long time of internet searching: the soundtrack to Michael Crichton's The Andromeda Strain, composed by Gil Melle. It's a barrage of bleeps and blips, primitive electronics that for its day were incredible (probably about as incredible as the effects in the movie were). Speaking of, I can't help but think of the movie when i listen to it, and since it is one of my favorite movies (and books, too) ever, there is no complaint in that department. never have underground decontamination chambers sounded better, and i must say death in piedmont is portrayed rather brilliantly. it's a stark record, and it's not an easy listen. i'm not even sure why i wanted it so bad. but i have days where, honestly, that music would just work with my mood. my only hope is that someday i'll be able to get my hands on an original vinyl copy of this baby.

i don't think anyone ever reads this anymore but me. oh well, i was getting tired of looking at my last post.
