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My Bird Performs: Deep in the heart of crazy

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Deep in the heart of crazy

File under "Texas schools, how fucking crazy are":

Just when they thought that publicity couldn't get any worse, the Texas public school system finds itself in the news yet again. This time, though, it's their own fault.

According to a report on, the rootin'-tootin' regulators of the Texas Music Educators Association struck out another ringing victory for peace, love, and understanding. Apparently, art is art, but gender roles are universal.

Klaus Nomi - Nomi Song. Proof positive that male sopranos can rock the block with the best of them. Of course, in Nomi's case, being a German cabaret robot also helped.

Interested parties would do well to check out The Nomi Song, a new documentary that's been making the rounds at art theatres everywhere. From what I hear, it's pretty fantastic.